1. 你设置了一个字段记录销售单申请前核心字段的信息,用什么方式存
2. 当销售员在改单后,保存时,同时要对比改动了什么地方做记录,这里人强制刷缓存
否则在删除了销售明细时,你做记录时就报错,One of the documents you are trying to access has been deleted … 这是缓存引起的,若不记录,修改保存记录时,系统会自动刷新,可是保存的同时,你还要做记录修改详细,此时一个动作还没有完成,就无法自动刷新缓存
class SaleOrder(models.Model): _inherit = 'sale.order'
apply_modify_old = fields.Text(string='Apply Modify Old', readonly=True)
apply_modify_detail = fields.Text(string='Apply Modify Detail',readonly=True)
@api.one def action_apply_modify_cancel(self): self.is_apply_modify = True if self.apply_type =='modify' and self.apply_is_refused == False: apply_modify_old ={ 'name':self.name, 'partner_id': self.partner_id.id, 'partner_shipping_id':self.partner_shipping_id.id, 'date_order':self.date_order, 'pricelist_id':self.pricelist_id.id, 'order_policy':self.order_policy, 'picking_policy': self.picking_policy, } if self.order_line: line_dict={} for line in self.order_line: line_dict[line.id] = { 'product_id': line.product_id.id, 'price_unit':line.price_unit, 'product_uom':line.product_uom.id, 'product_uom_qty':line.product_uom_qty, 'lot_id':line.lot_id.id, 'unlimited_dis':line.unlimited_dis, 'special_dis':line.special_dis, 'th_weight':line.th_weight } apply_modify_old['order_line'] = line_dict self.apply_modify_old =json.dumps(apply_modify_old)
def update_apply_modify_detail(self): values = {} apply_modify_detail = '' order_policy_zh={ 'prepaid':u'基于发货前','manual':u'基于销售订单'} picking_policy_zh = { 'one': u'整批发货', 'direct': u'分批发货'} old= self.apply_modify_old and json.loads(self.apply_modify_old) or None if old: if old.get('name') and old.get('name') !=self.name: apply_modify_detail += '销售订单:' + old.get('name') + ' -> ' + self.name + '\r\n' if old.get('partner_id') and old.get('partner_id') !=self.partner_id.id: apply_modify_detail += '客户:' + self.env['res.partner'].browse( old.get('partner_id')).name_get()[0][1] + ' -> ' + self.partner_id.name_get()[0][1]+ '\r\n' if old.get('partner_shipping_id') and old.get('partner_shipping_id') !=self.partner_shipping_id.id: apply_modify_detail += '发货地址:' + self.env['res.partner'].browse( old.get('partner_shipping_id')).name_get()[0][1] + ' -> ' + self.partner_shipping_id.name_get()[0][1]+ '\r\n' if old.get('date_order') and old.get('date_order') !=self.date_order: apply_modify_detail += '订单日期:' + old.get('date_order')+ ' -> ' + self.date_order + '\r\n' if old.get('pricelist_id') and old.get('pricelist_id') !=self.pricelist_id.id: apply_modify_detail += '价格表:' + self.env['product.pricelist'].browse( old.get('pricelist_id')).name_get()[0][1] + ' -> ' + self.pricelist_id.name_get()[0][1] + '\r\n' if old.get('order_policy') and old.get('order_policy') !=self.order_policy: apply_modify_detail += '开票策略:' + order_policy_zh.get( old.get('order_policy'))+ ' -> ' + order_policy_zh.get(self.order_policy) + '\r\n' if old.get('picking_policy') and old.get('picking_policy') !=self.picking_policy: apply_modify_detail += '发货策略:' + picking_policy_zh.get( old.get('picking_policy'))+ ' -> ' + picking_policy_zh.get(self.picking_policy) + '\r\n' order_line_old = old.get('order_line') and old.get('order_line') or {} line_modify = '' if self.order_line: for line in self.order_line: if order_line_old.get(str(line.id)): modify=False old_line = order_line_old.get(str(line.id)) if line.product_id.id != old_line.get('product_id'): line_modify += "修改明细:" +str(line.id) +'[' + line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] + ']:' line_modify += " | 产品:"+ self.env['product.product'].browse(old_line.get('product_id')).name_get()[0][1]+' -> '+line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] modify = True if line.price_unit != old_line.get('price_unit'): if not modify: line_modify += "修改明细:" + str(line.id) + '[' + line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] + ']:' line_modify += " | 单价:" + str(old_line.get('price_unit')) + ' -> ' + str(line.price_unit) modify = True if line.product_uom.id != old_line.get('product_uom'): if not modify: line_modify += "修改明细:" + str(line.id) + '[' + line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] + ']:' line_modify += " | 计量单位:" + self.env['product.uom'].browse(old_line.get( 'product_uom')).name_get()[0][1] + ' -> ' + line.product_uom.name_get()[0][1] modify = True if line.product_uom_qty != old_line.get('product_uom_qty'): if not modify: line_modify += "修改明细:" + str(line.id) + '[' + line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] + ']:' line_modify += " | 数量:" + str(old_line.get('product_uom_qty')) + ' -> ' + str(line.product_uom_qty) modify = True if line.lot_id.id != old_line.get('lot_id'): if not modify: line_modify += "修改明细:" + str(line.id) + '[' + line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] + ']:' line_modify += " | 序列号:" + self.env['stock.production.lot'].browse(old_line.get( 'lot_id')).name_get()[0][1] + ' -> ' + line.lot_id.name_get()[0][1] modify = True if line.unlimited_dis != old_line.get('unlimited_dis'): if not modify: line_modify += "修改明细:" + str(line.id) + '[' + line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] + ']:' line_modify += " | 突破限价:" + str(old_line.get('unlimited_dis')) + ' -> ' + str(line.unlimited_dis) modify = True if line.special_dis != old_line.get('special_dis'): if not modify: line_modify += "修改明细:" + str(line.id) + '[' + line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] + ']:' line_modify += " | 特殊折扣:" + str(old_line.get('special_dis')) + ' -> ' + str(line.special_dis) modify = True if line.th_weight != old_line.get('th_weight'): if not modify: line_modify += "修改明细:" + str(line.id) + '[' + line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] + ']:' line_modify += " | 重量:" + str(old_line.get('th_weight')) + ' -> ' + str(line.th_weight) if modify: line_modify += '\r\n' order_line_old.pop(str(line.id)) else: line_modify += "增加明细:" + str(line.id) + '[' + line.product_id.name_get()[0][1] + ']:' + \ " 单价:"+str(line.price_unit)+" 数量:" +str(line.product_uom_qty)+'\r\n' if order_line_old: for key,val in order_line_old.items(): product=self.env['product.product'].browse(val.get('product_id')) line_modify += "删除明细:" + str(key)+'[' + product.name_get()[0][1] +']:'+ " 单价:"+str(val.get('price_unit'))+" 数量:" +str(val.get('product_uom_qty'))+'\r\n' if line_modify: apply_modify_detail += line_modify values['apply_modify_detail_flag']=1 values['apply_modify_detail'] = apply_modify_detail if values: self.write(values) @api.one def write(self, vals): if vals.get('apply_modify_detail_flag') ==1: apply_modify_detail_flag=1 vals.pop('apply_modify_detail_flag') else: apply_modify_detail_flag=0 res = super(SaleOrder, self).write(vals) self.refresh() if not apply_modify_detail_flag and self.is_apply_modify and self.apply_type == 'modify': self.update_apply_modify_detail() return res
1. self.refresh() 这个一定要加,否则删除销售订单明细,做记录报错,但你增加或修改时不报错,会让你摸不着头脑。它的功能是刷出缓存。让res = super(SaleOrder, self).write(vals) 这一句彻底完成,否则要等 write 方法全部完成,才完成,
2. res = super(SaleOrder, self).write(vals) 前面的那几句判断也很重要,若不设定,会让write方法进入死循环。